Monday, January 4, 2010


Chris lovingly proposed on New Year's Eve 2009, at home in our apartment. It was very much a surprise!!! He said he had been keeping the ring hidden for two weeks and planned on proposing on Valentine's Day, but couldn't wait. Cute!

We will be married July 17, 2010, in Colorado. For all our Utah friends (Ok, Becca's Utah friends), we will be having a reception in Orem on July 24th. I'll send out a mass email later asking for addresses... or you can send it to me at whenever you'd like! The sooner the better, I say :)

Monday, October 19, 2009

Race for the Cure '09... And other things!

Race for the Cure '09 in Denver was Sunday, October 4. We took part in the 5k Walk, which started at 8 am. This was Chris' first year participating, Becca's second. Last year when Becca participated, she didn't know of anyone who had breast cancer. This year we were both able to walk for someone who had passed away from the terrible disease: Becca's dear friend, Julie, was taken in May of this
year. Chris' friend's mom, Edith, passed away in 2006. Even though last year Becca didn't walk specifically for someone, it touched her so much to see people out supporting those they know and those they didn't know that she decided to do it every year (and the emotions are overwhelming. I cry like a baby each time. People are amazing and wonderful- both the survivors and the supporters)... Chris was happy to participate, and loved every minute. We've decided to make it a tradition each year, and we're excited, when we have kids, to get them into it, too.

In September, we took a trip up to the Butterfly Pavilion. Although we didn't spend much time in what Becca called the "Creepy Crawly Room" (a room filled with spiders, beetles, and other things we didn't want to look to long at), we spent quite awhile in the actual pavilion. It was absolutely beautiful! Here are a couple pictures of the pretty flutterby's we saw:

And last, but not least, is a trip to the Rockies game on September 5th with Chris' mom, stepdad, 2 sisters and their families. We had a blast! We're all sad the Rockies didn't make it further than they did, but they hung in there and played great! Go Rockies!!!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

We have a viewer!

Today my friend Toril (hi, Toril!) told me to update my blog. I didn't think anyone looked at it, so I haven't bothered signing in for updates, especially since Chris and I have been so busy. But just for you, Toril, here goes... :)

Becca started college again on August 17. I haven't been in school, except for a quick CNA course back in 2003, since 2001. The cobwebs in my brain have grown fast and thick, and I was really scared. I'm attending Arapahoe Community College (similar to what UVSC/UVU used to be), and it's just 5 minutes down the road from our apartment! I'm planning on majoring in either nursing or radiology, and minoring in Interior Design. For right now, I'm getting my pre reqs out of the way. I'm taking psychology, where I'm getting 100% on my tests- a pleasant surprise! English 121- Composition- where I thoroughly enjoy my professor, and have fun writing essays. I'm getting an A in that class too, so far. Then there's biology :( It's a VERY hard class! Quite truthfully, it's kickin' my butt! The highest grade in our class on our first test was a 74- I got a 68. Unfortunately, the professor does not grade on a curve, since she lets you drop one test score. Most of the information goes over my head, and my brain and my eyes spin around like crazy during the lectures. It's frustrating. But I'm forging ahead, and all-in-all, absolutely LOVE being back in school again!!!

Chris has been busy busy busy at work. This past week his boss, Jim, was on vacation, which made life pretty tough for Chris. It was frustrating for him, but he did great and I hope he's proud of himself :) He finally got to hang out with his friends last night at a bbq (Becca couldn't go due to massive homework), and that made him happy. He plays World of Warcraft (a computer game) with his friends twice a week, but this was the first time in awhile that he was actually able to hang out with them in person. Yay!

We've both been suffering from "significant other withdrawal". Due to Becca's homework attacks and Chris' long hours at work, we've hardly seen each other except when we crawl into bed at night. We're very excited to spend quality time tonight (Saturday)! I'm going to make a nice meal, then we'll go see a movie together. It's been a long time coming. We both remarked to each other last night on the phone, when Chris was driving home from his party at 12:30 am and Becca was still working hard on the computer, how much we miss each other. It's a good thing we live together, or we'd forget what the other one looks like! :D

On a very personal note... Becca is still struggling with HPV. Happily this week, I got the test results back from my biopsy and they were, as usual, inconclusive. I'm happy about it because there's no full-blown cancer. The doctor says if by this time next year, after 2 more 6 month biopsies come back inconclusive, I can have the cancerous cells frozen off. Chris and I really want to have children- 2 or 3- after we're married, and we're hoping and praying I won't lose the ability to do so. Wish us luck!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Summer '09 Blurred By...

We tried to wrap all of our summer fun into the month of July.
Here's a few highlights of our whirlwind, fun summer:

Chris rented two awesome jet-skis, and we made our way down to Lake Powell to spend a week with Becca's family, as well as good friends, the Kammeyer-Smith's. It was Chris' first time to Powell and he LOVED IT!!! We think we'll do it again! :)

Then it was camping with Chris' family (mom, stepdad, two sisters and their husbands, niece & nephew) at Guanella Pass over Becca's birthday weekend. So fun! That, also, is a yearly must do for the family!

A quick trip to the Renaissance Fair with Chris' dad and stepmom....

...Where they enjoyed the turkey legs!...

...And my prince saved me from the dragon!

And then Becca took off to Utah for a week to visit her family! Details on that trip to follow :) Our August weekends are filled with visits to/from friends, birthday dinners, Becca's birthday present from Chris: tickets to Cirque du Soleil, and then the Colorado National Speedway night. Whew! All-in-all it's been great, and we can't wait for future events! We LOVE being with both of our families!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

And Away We Go!

This is my first time doing a blog, and I'm a bit nervous :) I've enjoyed learning about my friends and their families, so I decided to do a blog about Chris and I. We've had a lot of adventures already, in our short 8 months together. A little background: Chris and I met through a mutual friend of ours, not as a setup, but just hanging out at a comedy show. For Chris, it was love (or lust?) at first sight. ;) On our first date, we both knew we would spend the rest of our lives together. We feel we've known each other for an eternity, and are so excited that we finally found each other!
Feel free to comment, ask questions, etc. We want all of our friends and family to see this- 'cause we'll be putting pictures of YOU on here, too :) We love you all, and hope you're excited to read all about us!